After spending about 30 minutes recovering this blog after the move to Google, I'm able to provide a quick update.
I quit Tollison over a year ago, had some trouble finding gainful employment, opened my own firm, then closed it to take a position with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. I absolutely love the new job.
I also left Mississippi and moved to lovely northern Connecticut. I live in Windsor Locks in a house built in 1833 that was a schoolhouse for over fifty years. I don't know many people there yet, but I love it there already.
Sadly, the two dogs pictured at right have both crossed the proverbial rainbow bridge. Moonpie, the Greyhound, suffered with advanced arthritis that became so severe, he could no longer stand up. Despite my (and my vet's) best efforts to control his pain, there came a point when I knew his quality of life had deteriorated to the point of constant, extreme suffering, and I put him down.
Tiny Balzack died in Washington, D.C., while I interned at the Department of Justice. He was very old, and spent so many years in a puppy mill that his little body accumulated years of damage and malnutrition. I can confidently say he knew true dog happiness before his life ended.
My little pack now includes Junior, Louise, and AnnaMae, all rescued Chihuahuas.
It has been suggested that I start posting about all my cooking/baking experiments. Not a bad idea. I'm in training for six weeks in Dallas right now, but I'll be itching to get back into my lovely Connecticut kitchen when I get back. And I've already bought seeds for my new garden in Zone 5A, in the fertile Connecticut River Valley. Pics to come!